14th Iranian All Petanque & Bowls Championships 2023
Amazing Azadi Sport Complex under ownership of the Ministry of Sport and Youth with 460 hectares of forest and administrative zones and with lots of historical sport moments since 49 years ago, has now its own 17 standard courts for hosting national and international events. With participation of all active provinces and clubs, Iran Petanque and Bowls Association, as the FIPJP and WPBF successful leading governing body for the West and Central Asia Zone organized its 14th national annual championships in men’s doubles and women’s doubles during August 28th to September 01st at the front of camera lens of the National Sport TV Channel !
President Azéma visit in Roma
Before heading to the start of the Jura leg of the Tour de France and the French Championships in Auxerre, the President of the FIPJP travelled to Rome on July 18th and 19th to attend the European Youth Championships in Raffa. Under the direction of the Vice-President of the Italian Boules Federation, Mr Moreno Rosati, the championships were perfectly organised, with eleven countries taking part in the magnificent National Boules Technical Centre, which was air-conditioned for the occasion, no mean feat given the heatwave...
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