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World Championships 2023 in Cotonou (Benin)

World Championships 2023 in Cotonou (Benin)

credit photo Karel Dohnal FIPJP

Women's Juniors World Championship Bangkok 2023

Women's Juniors World Championship Bangkok 2023

credit photo: Karel Dohnal F.I.P.J.P

Championnats du Monde 2023 à Bangkok (Thaïlande)

Championnats du Monde 2023 à Bangkok (Thaïlande)

crédit photo Karel Dohnal - F.I.P.J.P.

Championnats du Monde 2018 à Desbiens (Canada)

Championnats du Monde 2018 à Desbiens (Canada)

credit photo: Claudio Mamino

Championnats du Monde 2021 à Santa Suzanna (Espagne)

Championnats du Monde 2021 à Santa Suzanna (Espagne)

credit photo Claudio Mamino

CIEP 2023


In accordance with the recommendation from the IOC, the FIPJP and CEP have decided together that Russia and Belarus shall immediately be suspended from participating in any of our events until further notice. By taking this action we confirm our full solidarity with all the people affected in Ukraine. We shall continue to closely monitor the situation and may adapt our decision in line with future IOC and FIPJP recommendations and measures.